MNI Analysis Partners offers research services in a range of Mareas, which include, but are not limited to: Applied research, Product research, Attitude research, Behavioral research, Health services and health systems research (quality assurance), Operations research (descriptive and intervention), Public policy and Program evaluation (formative, pre and post evaluation, mid-term evaluation), Qualitative research (Ethnographic, focus groups, personal interviews), Social marketing research, Sustainability and quality assurance research, Surveillance and analysis of epidemiological trends, Randomized clinical/community trials, Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis research, and Research for new technology development. Research is an essential component in the decision-making process and a key driver for operational tasks in several organizations. We understand this at MNI Analysis Partners, and we are committed to delivering excellent research services in line with expert consultation before and after qualitative and quantitative market research. We deal first-hand with the clients’ needs and problems by reviewing their roadblocks, capacities, and possible weaknesses, for the development of strategic plans to be implemented in fulfilment of clients’ requirements. We help our clients venture into an industry, expand their current reach, and ultimately improve the quality of their services through in-depth research into the market trends and case studies at local and international levels. Our team of experts at MNI Analysis Partners conduct a formative assessment, mid-term reviews, market researches, and summative evaluations of projects and programs at varying stages, in different sectors. We utilize state-of-the-art software and technology to analyze the qualitative and quantitative data and subsequently present valid information to our clients. We conduct our research based on several variables through valid methods such as Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Learning Action (PLA), and Peer Participatory Rapid Health Assessment for Action (PPRHAA), Desk reviews, Individual in-depth interviews (IDI), and expert facilitated Focus Group Discussions (FGD).