Our training and experience in human resources enable the MNI Analysis Partners team to be proficient in recruitment and employee profiling for our clients. We possess the soft management skill to facilitate integration and coordination of recruitment processes and the profiling of potential employees. We pay keen attention to the details of our client’s requirements and ensure that the recruitment process is reflective of their demands. Using our network of experts and consultants, we provide comprehensive human resources services related to recruitment and employee profiling. These services include Corporate Strategy formulation and alignment, Human Resource systems and process development, Staffing reviews and succession planning, Culture Audits and due diligence, Performance Management, Compensation Benchmarking, HR effectiveness Benchmarking, and Teaming and Bonding.
We also offer assistance in developing a recruitment strategy, hiring policy to reflect diversity, inclusion, ADA, equal pay and other ethical requirements, analysis of turnover and assistance with hard to fill positions, development of job description, job advertisement and position profile, strategizing hiring, promotional or transfer options, succession planning, review/ranking of resumes and applications, assistance with conducting interviews, assistance with reference checks, appropriate job pricing, onboarding orientations and other related requirements, and setting performance standards for new employees.
Our mission in recruitment and employee profiling at MNI Analysis Partners is to ensure that our clients get the right human resources to manage and sustain their organization for growth.

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