MNI Analysis Partners conducts formative assessment, mid-term reviews, market researches and summative evaluations of projects and programs in different sectors. MNI has a state of the art software development capacity and technical ability to analyze both the qualitative and quantitative data. Our experts are familiar with most of the regular data analysis softwares (SPSS, SAS, MS Excel,etc…).
Recognizing the significance of Research and Development (R&D) for both products and services, we undertake research services for our clients in diverse areas, which include but are not limited to:
Our participatory techniques are interactive and virtual based. We use the following participatory methodologies:
We also employ various qualitative research techniques such as;
Our Training approach is based on adult learning theory and is a combination of lectures, discussions, small group work, interactive practical exercises, and role-plays. We are specialist in the following training areas:
Monitoring and evaluation facilitate in getting better performance and achieving desirable results against indicators. Our teams of consultants are ever ready to help you improve the quality of your services, synergize and synchronize your activities by putting in place appropriate M&E systems. We ensure optimum utilization of the limited inputs and smoothen the progress towards achieving good outputs that will provide better outcomes and impacts at the end of the project cycle.
We employ numerous social research methods that will systematically and objectively assess progress, effectiveness and achievement of our client’s program or project outcomes and impacts.
We offer special services mainly to Civil Society Organization (CSOs), Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) through participatory approach which guarantees that stakeholders especially beneficiaries are active participants through out the M& E cycle. These we believe will empower and build commitment of the stakeholders, foster ownership, control and sustainability of projects even after completion.